Seeking Sweetness: Daily Snapshot, Cuppie 2.0 From the CakeSpy Archives
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Cakespy in artwork, daily sweet

CakeSpy Note: if you follow me on facebook or Twitter, you probably know I'm partial to observing (and sometimes adding) sweetness in the natural world and urban landscape. Here's where I post a daily feel-good photo or image, for no particular reason other than to showcase these sweet little nothings, in hopes that they'll make you smile.

Now, here's a piece of sweet art from the archives! While excavating my collection of college-era artwork, I found what can only be described as "Cuppie 2.0" - an early drawing, circa 2001, which is early evidence of my future-CakeSpy self! It's sort of like looking at the Tracey Ullman-era Simpsons, where the characters are slightly less refined, no?

Article originally appeared on Seeking Sweetness in Everyday Life (
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