Seeking Sweetness: Daily Snapshot, The Last Cupcake at Kara's Cupcakes, SFO
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Cakespy in daily sweet

CakeSpy Note: if you follow me on facebook or Twitter, you probably know I'm partial to observing (and sometimes adding) sweetness in the natural world and urban landscape. Here's where I post a daily feel-good photo, for no particular reason other than to showcase these sweet little nothings, in hopes that they'll make you smile.

This was a sweet but poignant sight at SFO: the last cupcake left at the Kara's Cupcakes kiosk. It didn't go home with me—I was booking it for a flight. But I paused long enough to get this poetic, poignant shot. Doesn't it make you wonder: where did this cupcake end up? Was it devoured on the spot? Or did it get packed into a carryon and toted to some faraway land? Oh, the places you might go, cupcake.

Article originally appeared on Seeking Sweetness in Everyday Life (
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