Pretty Little Things: Artist Reception with Jess Rees
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Cakespy in cakespy shop, cakespy shop

Um, Save the Cake! I mean, save the Date. There's some totally sweet (you know, figuratively) artwork coming to CakeSpy Shop!

The ever-lovely art of Jess Rees is coming to CakeSpy, Thursday March 10th! Full of twinkling and intricate feather watercolors, ceramic tea kettles, jars filled with crocheted mushrooms, and mini scenes on shrinky dinks (hello? AWESOME,) the evening is bound to be as sweet and magical as her art. There will be treats, and the opportunity to chat with the artist herself! Here's the deal:

Second Thursday BLITZ Art walk, Thursday, March 10th @ CakeSpy (415 East Pine Street, Seattle WA 98122)

5-8 p.m.

Shop the show in advance online here!

Cake Will Be Served.

Article originally appeared on Seeking Sweetness in Everyday Life (
See website for complete article licensing information.