CakeSpy Featured on Joy The Baker's Podcast!
Friday, December 2, 2011
Cakespy in breaking cake news, news

Now here's some exciting news. Joy The Baker has a new podcast, and I've been featured on it!

Please, allow me to introduce it to you by quoting what she said on her website:

I host a new podcast too!  It’s called We’re About to Be Friends.  Every episode I talk to someone that I admire and adore.  I call up people I’m obsessed with, I ask them all the nosey questions I can think of, and by the end of the podcast I hope to call them my friend.

I’ve chatted with Jessie Oleson from Cakespy!

Aarti Sequeira from The Food Netowrk’s Aarti Party is a sparkle pony (that’s totally a good thing!).

And Sara Kate, founding editor of The Kitchn, is a total inspiration.  There’s lots of big personalities and dear hearts in the future so please please please get your listen on… especially if you’re as nosey as me.

We have big guests coming up.  Heck yes… I got to chat with Bakerella!  It was awesome.  I don’t want you to miss this stuff.  Be sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebookor subscribe on iTunes to stay up on all of the good!

We also have a new podcast called The Because Show.   Jerilyn, Susan, and Amy are three working moms that don’t talk about work or momming.  It’s straightforward lady talk.  I dig it and I hope you do too!

For the podcast featuring me, click here.

Article originally appeared on Seeking Sweetness in Everyday Life (
See website for complete article licensing information.