Sweet Stuff: Red Envelope Gifts for Bakers
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Cakespy in cool products, shop

So, recently I was approached by Red Envelope, asking if I'd like to test out some of their holiday wares for consideration on my site.

They sent me a gift card and let me shop. Woohoo!

And here's what I chose:

First, the personalized red mug (pictured top). How cute is this, especially when personalized? I think mine looks rather fetching with the best book in the world (mine) and a cute cupcake from Sweet in Hoboken.

My second choice was the personalized Jessie Steele apron. Since I am fairly petite, I got it in a child's size and had it personalized with "CakeSpy" (not sure if you can see the whole thing behind that magazine). I think I look rather adorable in it. They also have adult sizes, although those are not available for full personalization--just monograms.

Overall, if you're looking for some sweet holiday gift ideas, Red Envelope is going to be a good bet, especially if your recipients love personalized stuff as much as I do.

To shop, visit Red Envelope.


Article originally appeared on Seeking Sweetness in Everyday Life (http://cakespy.squarespace.com/).
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