Bad Idea: Obsessively weighing yourself. It leads to non-enjoyment of cake, plus you're perfect the way you are (awww).
Good Idea: Obsessively weighing your ingredients when measuring them out for baking. Why? Weighing ingredients is common practice for professional bakers, allowing precision and control over the final outcome of your sweets, so that you'll have reliable results. Don't believe it? Check it out this entry on Brown Eyed Baker, where she experimented to see some of the real differences.
And happily, the supercool Eat Smart Products has kindly offered up one of their Multifunction Digital Kitchen Scales for giveaway! Not only does it have handy functions like a tare feature which allows you to remove the weight of the container your ingredients are in, but it can measure ounces, pounds, grams and kgs -- perfect for if you're trying a recipe from one of those metric system-usin' countries.
How do you enter? It's easy! Simply weigh in (get it?) on the important question below, leaving your response in the comments section below:
Which do you prefer: pie or cake? Why?
The fine print: This giveaway is open to US entrants only, please. Winner will be able to choose their favorite color scale: they're available in red, white, silver, black chrome, and white chrome. The giveaway will be up until 12 p.m. PST on Sunday, January 31st; the winner will be announced shortly thereafter. Please include your contact information (email) in the comment form so that I know where to find you if you win!
UPDATE: THE WINNER! Congratulations to Laura from New Haven, CT who is definitely on Team Cake! Her prize has been sent out!
Thanks to everyone for participating in the cake poll!