Baker's Dozen: A Batch of Sweet Cookie Links!
Friday, January 29, 2010
Cakespy in links, links

Photo credits, from top left clockwise: ClankWorks; Forty-Sixth at Grace; CakeSpy; Chic Cookie Kits

It's Friday, folks. And this week, it's all about the cookie. Here's a baker's dozen of sweet cookie-related links:

What's cuter than a button? How 'bout a cookie that looks like a button? Get your fill of this cuteness at Forty-Sixth at Grace.

Type geek meets baker chic: Helvetica Cookie Cutters by Beverly Hsu (via CraftZine)

These guinea pig cookies are sort of mousy, but nonetheless simply precious.

Hugs and kisses cookies...oh, and just about everything ever posted on Chic Cookie Kits.

...and it would be a shame not to mention Cookie Sensations , possibly the sweetest cookie book you'll ever see, by Meaghan Mountford (author of the aforementioned Chic Cookie Kits blog).

Forget Chess Pie: It's all about these chess cookies, where you can eat the board after you play!

Breakfast of champions: how 'bout some blueberry lemon cornflake cookies? (via Cookie Madness)

Because bacon's not dead yet: more breakfast of champions, by way of bacon-oatmeal-orange juice breakfast cookies.

It's no secret that CakeSpy loves Sara Snacker...but let's just consider those CandyPop cookies one more time.

Craving Cute? Sogo Bakery's Panda shortbread cookies are pretty freaking cute.

At Park 19, behold the Creme Brulee Cookie.

Love all things Lilliputian? Learn how to make your own dollhouse cookies

Need cookie cutters? Cookies in Seattle is just about the sweetest shop ever--no bigger than a closet, but packed full of every type of cookie cutter--and they have a pretty great online shop too!

Article originally appeared on Seeking Sweetness in Everyday Life (
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