Sweet Spot: Cakes by One Tough Cookie in NYC
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Cakespy in bakeries

Engagement cake by One Tough CookieCupcake by One Tough Cookie
Are you in NYC and in need of a super sweet special occasion cake? Or cupcakes or cookies, for that matter?

Well, according to CakeSpy reader Marie, One Tough Cookie, an NYC-based special order bakery, is the spot. Here's what she had to say:

My fiance Gabriel and I were hosting an engagement party in the Hamptons for our friends and family; being an absolute cake and cookie addict I had to get myself a perfect engagement cake. That's when I discovered OneToughCookie (a friend told me about her), who creates delicious, custom made cakes which she decorates with cookies - real works of art!

I just want to spread the word about her, because by creating my engagement cake she contributed to a perfect day in my life and I will definitely ask her to bake my wedding cake as well (the wedding will be next may...)! I thought you might be interested in her since her cakes are really unique and so tasty...I am absolutely amazed by her work and the cake was a dream!

Based on the pictures, it looks like a great find! For more information, visit onetoughcookienyc.com (warning: music plays upon opening the page).

Article originally appeared on Seeking Sweetness in Everyday Life (http://cakespy.squarespace.com/).
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