1.14.09: Baked Good of the Day: Cookies by Little Rae's Bakery
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Cakespy in bakeries

Alien Cookie in Ballard
Little Rae's has been garnering quite a bit of press for their First Family cookies--and deservedly so, in my opinion--I think they're very well-designed. But are Little Rae's cookies delicious?

I haven't tried the Obama cookies, but I was very impressed by their same-flavor-but-different-shape Alien cookie, which I picked up on a trip to Cafe Bambino in Ballard. I was pleasantly surprised by their subtle flavor and satisfying texture--a touch of crunchiness from the hard icing on the outside, giving way to a soft, just-a-touch crumbly interior. Of course, it didn't hurt to later find out that the bakery is committed to using fresh and natural ingredients--no hard to pronounce ingredients in these cookies. Also, they happen to be one of the few completely nut-free bakeries in the area, if allergies are an issue.

Little Rae's Bakery is a wholesale bakery; their products can be easily found at Metropolitan Market locations and at coffee shops throughout the city.

Article originally appeared on Seeking Sweetness in Everyday Life (http://cakespy.squarespace.com/).
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