1.13.09: Baked Good of the Day: Carrot Cake at Mr. Spot's Chai House
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Cakespy in bakeries

Carrot Cake from Mr Spots Chai House
Confession: we'd never even been to Mr. Spot's Chai House until this week. But after a disappointing trip to Cupcake Royale (disappointing because they were out of cupcakes for the day!), we decided to give the Chai House a try. And we found a most gorgeous-looking carrot cake there.

Happily, this carrot cake was delicious as well: exceedingly dense and moist, with fluffy frosting an inch thick all around. Oh yes. Many of the baked goods in their case were not made in-house (Top Pot Doughnuts, etc), so we don't know if the cake was made on the premises (the employee wasn't sure), but regardless of its origins, we're happy to have come across this fine specimen of carrot cake.

Carrot Cake, found at Mr. Spot's Chai House.

Article originally appeared on Seeking Sweetness in Everyday Life (http://cakespy.squarespace.com/).
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