Cake Byte: Cakespy Featured on the Official Whole Foods Blog!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Cakespy in breaking cake news, press

Cakespy Featured on the Whole Foods Blog!
How sweet is this: our recent Tele-Graham Crackers Post was featured on the official Whole Foods blog! Since we love spending all of our money in their excellent bakery section, this was a very exciting spot to be featured!

We've long been fans of the nice assemblage of pastries in Whole Foods bakeries--not only do they have a great selection of pastries from local bakeries, imported selections from wholesale bakeries in different parts of the country (like Carol's Cookies), but they also generally have a very respectable variety of baked goods made on-site; our current favorite item at our local Westlake location in Seattle is their Vegan Thumbprint cookie, which is like a more delicious version of a granola bar, yummy to vegans and non-vegans alike, and in our opinion, an ideal breakfast cookie.


But we digress--because now that we're thinking of cookies, we'd best get started on some for Christmas! Stay tuned...


Article originally appeared on Seeking Sweetness in Everyday Life (
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