Cake Poll: WINter Wonderland Giveaway!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Cakespy in cake poll

WINterwonderland Giveaway!
Halloween and the election are over...whew! And now, we're at the cusp of the sweetest season of the year, that series of two months where we eat copious amounts of delicious pumpkin pie and christmas cookies. That's right--November is the point of do not pass go, do not diet until New Year's.

And in celebration, we're offering a seasonal sweets poll! It's a bounty of five sweet prizes--for five separate winners! The following prizes are being offered:

What do you have to do to enter? Don't worry, it's easy. All you have to do is answer the following two questions.


1. What is your favorite Thanksgiving dessert?
2. What is your favorite Christmas cookie?

But wait, there's more! If you copy and paste (or include a link to) a recipe for either of your responses, you'll be entered into the drawing twice! That's right...double your chances of winning!




Article originally appeared on Seeking Sweetness in Everyday Life (
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