Harvest Moon: What's your Moon Cake Sign?
Monday, September 24, 2007
Cakespy in cakespy mischief, holidays

The Chinese Moon Harvest: the day when the moon shines at its brightest for the entire year; and this year, it's today, September 25th. Naturally, we're more than happy to bring this tradition stateside, since its centerpiece is the moon cake, which is a pastry shell of a cake which can be filled with any number of rich fillings ranging from lotus to coconut or nut pastes. But before blindly reaching for that first slice, stop and consider your favorite flavor: what is your moon cake choice really saying about you?

Lotus Paste: Exotic and sexy; you exude a confidence that makes people turn and stare. Celebrity Soul Twins: Angelina Jolie; Daniel Craig.

Red Bean Paste: The girl/boy next door. Sweet, cute, and crush-worthy, but comfortably familiar at the same time. Celebrity Soul Twins: Shia LaBoeuf; Pre-scientology Katie Holmes.

Winter Melon Paste: High maintenance and confident, you enjoy only the finest life has to offer. Celebrity Soul Twins: J.Lo; P-Diddy.

Coconut Paste: Naïve and sweet, sometimes to a fault because you can be very gullible, you'll listen to anyone's problems and make the best cupcakes. Celebrity Soul Twins: Amy Sedaris; Steve Carell.

Mixed Nut Paste: You've been around the block a few times and might be a little jaded, but still love to party all night long as long as the event's cool enough. Celebrity Soul Twins: Madonna; Bruce Willis.

Pineapple Paste:
Sugary sweet, sometimes fake, you really like pop punk music. Celebrity Soul Twins: Ashlee Simpson; Ryan Seacrest.

"Snow Skin": Awkward and pasty, you greet people with a dead-fish handshake and have frequent awkward silences in conversation. Celebrity Soul Twins: Crispin Glover; the girl from the TV in "The Ring".

Curious? You can buy moon cakes online (in a variety of flavors, with no judgment) at chinasprout.com; in the Seattle area, you can find moon cakes at Uwajimaya (600 5th Ave. South at South Weller St.) or at A Piece of Cake (514 South King St., near 5th Ave. South).

Cakespy Note: Much of the credit for this wonderful post goes to Cake Gumshoe Allison.

Article originally appeared on Seeking Sweetness in Everyday Life (http://cakespy.squarespace.com/).
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